Please dress in whatever way you are most comfortable. We have everything from suits to shorts and dresses to jeans. The Sanctuary, where we meet for worship, is air-conditioned, but please so be prepared for warmer temperatures during the early summer and the fall.
What about Communion?
We celebrate communion, or the Lord’s Supper, on the first Sunday of each month.
We invite anyone and everyone to come to the table and receive.
Children are also welcome at the table no matter the age or understanding, however, parents can make that determination for their children.
We serve a variety of breads, grape juice, and wine.
What is “Coffee Hour?”
Following worship, there is time for coffee and conversation. This is a time to just hang out and relax with the others who are there. We understand that it may be too much for some people right off the bat, but we would love to meet you and get to know you.
There is a coffee bar in the back of the sanctuary when you come in. Feel free to grab a coffee as you come in to ready yourself for worship.
The sacrament of baptism is an outward and visible sign of the grace of God.
Through baptism, a person is joined with the universal church, the body of Christ.
We only baptize people once, usually at an early age!
but really, anyone can be baptized at any time!
Just talk to the pastor!
What about children?
We love children. Even the squirmy ones.
Every Sunday, there is a “Time with the Children” during worship, during which the Pastor calls the children up for a special message. Your children are welcome to participate, and if it means you have to come up with them, that’s great!
Children are an integral part of our worship service - that means we expect them to stay in the service - but if they walk around, squirm, come up, and sit with the pastor, we celebrate that. It also means that the other adults in the congregation are always open to step up to the plate to hold, rock, walk, and play with them - so you can enjoy the service. (Sometimes Pastor will even pick them up during her sermon!)
There are activity bags for the children in the Lobby if they should want or need something to make worship comfortable for them.